Benefits of Meditating
Everyone of all ages can enjoy the gentle, natural practice of Zen meditation. The benefits are limitless but some key positive outcomes include:
• attaining profound relief from stress, tension, anxiety and depression;
• quieting the constant mental turmoil of erratic, negative thinking;
• managing and overcoming the stress response to difficulties;
• increasing mental, physical and emotional health;
• reaching calmness and overall wellbeing;
• bringing meaning, direction and purpose to everything you do;
• developing mindfulness and grace of manner, movement, speech and thought;
• growing a genuine, true and attractive warmth of personality;
• cultivating relationships of true value and meaning;
• seeing and letting go unhappiness caused by attachment and ‘ego’;
• ceasing to waste life as you learn to ‘transcend the muddle’;
• developing true, loving kindness, compassion and concern for the welfare of others, and
• reaching true freedom, inner peace and serenity.