Student Comments
The following are a selection of direct, unsolicited comments generously sent to the Meditation Sanctuary teachers by past and present students.
“Thanks for being here and being so wise…as ‘wise as the ocean.” YA
“The benefits of meditation for my anxiety over the course have been absolutely profound. Thank you for providing such a safe and welcoming environment – I feel so calm and relaxed within the Sanctuary. Y.W.
“I thoroughly enjoyed the beginner’s course, finding it insightful, deep, thought -provoking and rewarding.” G.M.
“I just wanted to thank you for the last 11 weeks. It’s been quite a life transforming journey for me!” S.M.
“Thank you so much for the course – it’s what I’ve been needing for about fifteen years and after only two classes I feel I can face life with more control and a sense of calmness!” P.M.
“Every session was positive and fulfilling and over all this has been a life changing experience for me. Thank you. Thank you!” P.W.
“Thanks for the wonderful courses that you run – I’m sure it’s life-changing for many people!” J.L.
“Doing the course really has changed my life for the better. It has really helped me with reducing anxiety and judgement of myself. I no longer take my life so seriously. Thank you so much” E.P
“I want to thank you for your fantastic teaching. You have brought light, gentleness and thoughtfulness into my life.” A-L de G
“I guess you already know, but you’re an amazing teacher and I take your teachings with me everyday in everything I do. Thank you for your guidance and introducing me to my ‘serene space’ – what a great place to be!” DG
“We are so lucky to have been shown, by you, the Way to access our inner light of kindness, love and compassion – through meditation.” BM
“I thoroughly enjoyed the beginner’s course, finding it insightful, deep, thought provoking and rewarding. I think you are a brilliant presenter and person. So thank you very much for that. I still feel that I have a long way to go with my meditation but am on the road !” GM
“Thank you for all your wisdom and caring. I have felt great benefit and a new sense of calmness during unusually turbulent times”. FB
“Can’t help calling to mind something I once read … when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. My life is changing on a profoundly deep level and I did need the guidance of a spiritual master. I am deeply grateful for the wisdom and gentle encouragement you offer so freely”. RN
“Thanks again for all your sharing, encouragement and teachings – you are a unique person that gives a lot.” AE
“It has been a priceless experience. I have benefited greatly from your valuable influence and wisdom.” DP
“I just want to say thank you for your teachings. I have found them to be a great help in my life, and have surprised myself when I meditate. You are a fabulous and funny man.” TT
“Finding you and your sanctuary was the best thing (other than my children ) that has happened to me. I cannot begin to tell you what changes I have managed to achieve through your guidance. For this I will be forever thankful. I once read a book called “Five people you’ll meet in Heaven “. It tells a story about a man who dies and meets up with all the people that made a difference in his life. I am absolutely positive you will be there in my heaven!! You are a wonderful person and an extraordinary teacher. Words cannot convey what a difference you have made to my life.” HD
“Thank you for your inspiring teaching, guidance and anecdotes, not to mention your sense of humour.” KD
“Thank you for teaching me about the best skill I’ve ever gained. We can only hope meditation really is now mainstream – what a wonderful world that would make.” RK